Dogs are well known for being extremely loyal. The Internet has shown the world the extent of canine loyalty and devotion with multiple videos of dogs manifesting their love for their human counterparts they have not seen in long time periods. However, one old dog also showed her loyalty to her deceased owner.

A black Labrador named Ma Kettle was left alone once her owner passed away, according to HLN. A local shelter in Sedan, Kansas, took her in 2012, and a family adopted her. Though, Ma Kettle did not get along with the family's puppy, so another family in Independence, Kansas, took her in.

Ma Kettle, however, decided she did not want to stay there. She managed to escape one day and made the 30-mile journey back to Sedan. A volunteer at the animal shelter, Cindy Powell, recognized Ma Kettle when she returned. The shelter contacted the family back in Independence, but they could not take her back.

"We don't have a lot of support," Powell told HLN. "Facebook has just been a blessing."

As multiple people asked to take in the ageing dog, one woman decided she would care for her. The Associated Press reported that a Florida heiress has adopted Ma Kettle and renamed her Lady.

Kelsey Lloyd, who has cared for Lady while she was at the shelter, said she is "super dog, gentle, calm dog," according to The Associated Press. Though Lloyd did not understand why Lady had not been adopted yet, Lady's fortune changed when the heiress to the Wrigley gum company decided to rescue her.

According to the Tampa Tribune, Helen Rich, 65, saw Lady's story on Facebook and decided to rescue the dog and bring her to her home in Florida. Rich sent two of her assistants to Sedan in her private jet and flew Lady back.

Rich is no stranger to helping animals. She founded the On the Wings of Angels Rescue in Odessa, Florida, which has rescued 70 animals, from dogs and cats to cattle.