Oh, what could have been. If certain people had had their way, Lucy Hale would be the star of the upcoming "Fifty Shades of Grey" movie, and a hotel based on the erotic novel would have opened last Friday.

Hale graces the cover of the September 2014 issue of Cosmopolitan. In an interview with the magazine, the 25-year-old actress once again rehashes the tale of her audition for the leading role of Anastasia Steele.

"That audition was so uncomfortable! It's exactly what you thought it would be: a big monologue but very, very sexual ..." the "Pretty Little Liars" star said.

Still, the actress-turned-country singer knew that, to pull it off, she had to truly believe she was an innocent college student being dominated by billionaire Christian Grey (played by Jamie Dornan).

"There were some things that I was so embarrassed to be reading out loud, but it's one of those things where you have to commit wholeheartedly or you're going to make a fool of yourself," Hale explained.

Unfortunately for Hale, the role went to Dakota Johnson ("Need for Speed"). The news may be fortunate for Hale's father, however, who was a bit shocked to see Hale's latest magazine cover, which is surrounded by classic Cosmopolitan titles about sex, sex and more sex.

"Saw your pic on Cosmo, you look wonderful. Not to crazy about the articles beside your photo. Love u," her father said via text message according to an Instagram picture posted by Hale that has since been deleted, E! News reports.

In other "Fifty Shades of Grey" news that wasn't, a BDSM-themed hotel inspired by E.L. James' novel was supposed to open in Vilafranca, Spain on Friday, The Local reports. It was to be named Roissy Castle and feature four dungeons. The town's town council, however, said that it "unsuitable" to "have an establishment of this nature in the village" and so close to the "chapel where dozens of people come every day to visit the village's patron saint."

"It wasn't until just a few days ago that one of Vilafranca's online dailies ran a piece on our plans to open the sadomasochist hotel and this huge uproar began," the unnamed businessman behind the hotel said. "Four emergency lights and an extinguisher, that's their excuse. The hotel's proprietors were the ones who didn't install them in the first place, but they're closely linked to the local town councilor. It's abuse of office. I've spoken to my lawyer, and we're going to sue the town hall."

It is unknown when or if the "Fifty Shades of Grey"-themed hotel will open, but the movie hits theaters Feb. 13, 2015.


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