Months after his arrest in Miami, the singer has pleaded guilty to lesser charges in the DUI case brought against him, following his arrest for racing in the streets of the south Florida city.

Justin Bieber reached a plea deal to avoid jail time and probation, according to TMZ. The 20-year-old singer pled guilty to careless driving and resisting an officer without violence, allowing Bieber to get off with a mere slap on the wrist.

In January, Bieber was arrested in Miami Beach for allegedly drag racing in a yellow Lamborghini. According to the police, Bieber told police he was on marijuana and prescription medication and police said, at the time, that he had also been drinking.

However, according to Rolling Stone, Bieber did not fail the two Breathalyzer tests the police administered. It is now reported that his blood alcohol level was actually below the legal limit but a urine test revealed that the singer and amateur racer did have traces of marijuana and Xanax in his system.

Bieber's lawyers appeared in court in place of their client who, conveniently, did not have to appear before the judge when having his sentence read out, reports the Miami Herald. County Judge Bill Altfield warned Bieber's lawyers against letting their client revert back to his mischievous ways.

"He needs to be cognizant that there are many young persons living under the influence -- and he is the influence," the judge said. "He is the one they look up to as a role model. He has so much going for him."

One of Bieber's lawyers, Howard Srebnick, told the judge they would pass the judge's words along to the singer.

"We'll make sure and turn this to a positive experience for everyone and everyone that is a fan of Justin Bieber," Srebnick added. Mark Shapiro and Roy Black also represented Bieber.

As part of his punishment, Bieber will attend a private 12-hour anger management course and watch videos about real-life DUI cases, as well as paying court fines and making a donation of $50,000 to the charity Our Kids, according to the Miami Herald.