Miss BumBum Contest 2014: 27 Brazilian Women Compete for Best Butt Title
More than two dozen women are battling to see who has the best bum.
The Miss Bumbum event is held in Brazil, where 27 contestants will be competing. The women come from each of the states and the federal district Brasilia, notes the Huffington Post.
Voting is now open for Brazilians until November. These votes will narrow down the contestants to 15. The winner will get about $22,000 in endorsement deals.
According to the Huffington Post, this will be the first time there will be twins entered in the contest.
The women range from age 19-39 at this year's contest.
Last year's winner was Dai Macedo, who had a 42-inch bum.
"It's a lot of work, a lot of devotion," she said. "I denied myself a lot of things. No nightclubs. No sweets. I went to the gym Saturdays and Sundays."
Last year's contest also had some of the contestants insult each other on social media, notes the Daily Mail.
"I'm all emotional. I didn't expect to win," Macedo said. "All hell broke loose on social media sites but now I can say the contest was real."
She added that she did have a little help with her bottom.
"It isn't 100 percent natural," she said. "I had a butt lift. I always had a large backside but liposuction improved it."
Graciela Murano, editor for Oddee, said that Brazilians "definitely have a thing with butts." And though people know about the event, they pretend to not care.
Por si estaban con el pendiente...ellas son las 27 candidatas para ser la nueva Miss Bum Bum 2014 #MissBumbum #Brasil pic.twitter.com/aerxbrzGjT
— Mente Futbolera (@mentefutbolera) August 11, 2014
Here are the contestants for this year:
Renata Alves, 27, Ceará
Jaqueline Veloso, 24, Pernambuco
Vivian Cristinelli, 23, Minas Gerais
Iara Muniz, 24, Bahía
Indianara Carvahlo, 22, Santa Catarina
Julianna Bittencortt, 28, Pará
Ana Paula Souza, 27, Distrito Federal
Ana Paula Costa, 22, Espirito Santo
Nathalia Matos, 23, Rio Grande do Norte
Clau Dullios, 26, Rio Grande do Sul
Patricia Oliveira, 39, Mato Grosso
Rafaella Fornazieri, 20, Alagoas
Graziella Fornazieri, 20, Arce
Lais Fernandes, 23, Roraima
Ana Flavia Magalhaes, 27 years, Goias
Paola Araujo, 22, Segipe
Ana Paula Souza, 27, Amapá
Vanussa Hoppe, 28, Mato Grosso
Tamirys Martin, 22, Amazonas
Thaynara Ferreira, 19, Paraíba
Karine Gaglianoni, 22, Piauí
Michelle Docio, 30, Tocantins
Lucianne Sanches, 26, Maranhao
Bruna Valentim, 21, Río de Janeiro
Claudia Alende, 20, Paraná
Rebeka Francis, 23, Rondonia
Gisa Gomes, 28, Sao Paulo
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