Your chances of getting picked as the Doctor's companion are slim to none, but you can at least dine in "Doctor Who" style.

A new restaurant, Pandorica, inspired by the series opened in Beacon, New York.

Pandorica features a Madame De Pompadour sponge cake and fish fingers and custard.

A reddit user spotted the restaurant and almost didn't go in, but a peek at the decor was too intriguing to ignore.

"I spent the day in the quiet little artist town of Beacon, NY, and passed a restaurant called 'Pandorica' as I walked down the main street," the user said.

"I smiled to myself but didn't think much of it. On the way back, I looked inside and saw the giant mural of the exploding TARDIS. Of course, I then ran in and started talking to the owner (dressed head to toe in TARDIS blue). She took me around the entire restaurant pointing out every tiny detail, from the sunflowers on the tables to the "fish fingers" (aka french toast sticks) and custard on the dessert menu. I told her that I'll be moving to London this autumn (the mecca, really), and she replied that she's actually from there. It made a lot of sense seeing how much British influence is in the food -- they do an afternoon tea that looks lovely."

There is an episode of the show called "The Pandorica Opens," which features a Vincent Van Gogh painting where the TARDIS has exploded. The Pandorica is a giant metal box that serves as a prison that the Doctor and Amy Pond found beneath Stonehenge.

Fans of the show have started reviewing the restaurant on Facebook and admitting to giving it five stars solely because it is tied to "Doctor Who."