Celebrities' hacked nude photos will be presented in an art exhibit.

Cory Allen Contemporary Art will feature Jennifer Lawrence and Kate Upton in artist XVALA's "Fear Google" campaign, according to E! News. The images will be unaltered and shown in next month's "No Delete" show in Saint Petersburg, Florida.

The show begins on Oct. 30.

"XVALA appropriating celebrity compromised images and the overall 'Fear Google' campaign has helped strengthen the ongoing debate over privacy in the digital era," Cory Allen said. "The commentary behind this show is a reflection of who we are today. We all become 'users' and in the end, we become 'used.'"

Other images included in the show will be images found on Google that depict celebrities in other private moments. Britney Spears' shaved head moment and Scarlett Johansson's nude images are examples of other images that will be included.

"In today's culture, everybody wants to know everything about everything," XVALA said. "An individual's privacy has become everyone else's business. It has become cash for cache."

Lawrence's lawyer has asked pictures of the starlet to be removed from websites, but according to TMZ, a site has refused to do.

The photos weren't taken by Jennifer Lawrence, therefore, the site is claiming that Lawrence does not own the pictures. The site is supposedly asking for proof that Lawrence owns the copyright or the name of the person that took the photos.

It doesn't mean the artist will be able to go through with using the pictures of the celebrities.

Kate Upton's lawyer released a statement about the legal action that the model has decided to take.

"This is obviously an outrageous violation of our client Kate Upton's privacy," her lawyer said. "We intend to pursue anyone disseminating or duplicating these illegally obtained images to the fullest extent possible."