On Monday, the original "Facts of Life" cast members -- Nancy McKeon (Joanna), Lisa Whelchel (Blair), Mindy Cohn (Natalie), and Charlotte Rae (Ms. Edna Garrett) -- all reunited at the Paley Center for Media in Beverly Hills for the 35th anniversary of the classic sitcom, People reports.

Kim Fields -- who played "Tootie" on the show -- was not in attendance for the show's anniversary celebration due to a family obligation. However, the now 45-year-old actress participated in the celebratory festivities by way of a video message in which she praised her "Facts of Life" co-stars, People reports.

"I am absolutely thrilled and blessed to be a part of, of course, such an amazing cast, an amazing show, several generations of fans who have made this show so incredibly iconic," Fields said in the video.

"The Facts of Life's" oldest cast member, Rae, was also praised at the anniversary celebration.

"[Charlotte] was there for us as a peer. Not a mom," McKeon told People. "She never talked down to us. She never made us feel like we were the kids. It was her show, and she included everybody in it. So, looking back on that and watching somebody just go through their life with that kind of elegance, what a great lesson, what a great lesson for me."

Rae quickly chimed in: "We looked after each other. I treated them as we were equals because we were all fellow actors. I said, 'We're all teammates here. We're all on the same team and we're going to pull together.'"

So will fans be seeing a "Facts of Life" reboot sitcom in the works?

Probably not.

During an interview with Entertainment Weekly, the "Facts of Life" cast was asked about whether the show's plotline would resonate with television viewers today and Cohn simply responded, "I think we'd be laugh [sic] out of a pitch meeting."