The newest addition to the comic-book-turned-television show world, "The Flash," stars Grant Gustin, who says his "Glee" roots help him portray Barry Allen.

"The Flash" premieres on The CW at 8 p.m. EDT. Because of the athletic nature of Gustin's character, he had to work out for nine months before starting to film on set, The Associated Press reports.

"I'm glad I didn't break a leg or something," he said.

Gustin is best known for playing Sebastian Smythe on Fox's "Glee." According to the 24-year-old actor, his time on the musical show has proven beneficial with his latest role.

"I don't run like any type of athlete. I stopped doing any organized sports at 10 and started dancing. I'm athletic but in a dancer way," he said, adding that he's "naturally lean."

This is essential as Gustin has to run on a treadmill while filming his running scenes for "The Flash."

Gustin's time on "Glee" also taught him how to deal with fans.

"At the end of the day, I want the fans to be happy, of course, but I think my experience on 'Glee' was crucial," he told Toronto Sun. "How I came into that show, where I was trying to split up one of the favorite couples. It was my first experience with social media and kind of reaching out with fans back and forth like that. And they hated me."

Learning to deal with negative feedback will help Gustin as he is expected to live up to the standards of Flash fans, he said.

"[Glee] was the best first job I could have had, for so many reasons," the Virginia native said. "I'm actually really glad I had that experience before 'The Flash.' I definitely appreciate it when people enjoy my work and say nice things, but I also can read negative things now and not be bothered. Because I love what I'm doing, and I focus on that."


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