The Flash

Issa Rae Blasts Hollywood for Protecting 'The Flash' Star Ezra Miller Who Is ‘Behaving Atrociously’

Issa Rae said "The Flash" star Ezra Miller has repeatedly run afoul of the law, yet Hollywood still protects him.
Premiere Of Warner Bros. Pictures' "Justice League" - Red Carpet

Ezra Miller Debunks Rumors that 'The Flash' Movie will Reset the DCEU and Erase the Snyderverse

Ezra Miller, DC’s ‘The Flash’, put an end to rumors that his upcoming movie will change the continuity of the DC Extended Universe (DCEU) by completely erasing the ‘Snyderverse’.

'The Flash' Star Grant Gustin Surprises Fans With Engagement Photo On Instagram

Grant Gustin announces engagement with long time girlfriend LA Thoma via Instagram A heart breaking news for the huge female fan following - "The Flash" character is no more single.

'The Flash' Season 3 Episode 20 Spoilers: Killer Frost Is on the Loose! Hunting Tracy Brand; Cisco's Biggest Fear, Fighting Caitlyn Snow

In the all new episode for "The Flash" season 3 episode 20 scheduled for next week, Killer Frost and the team wanted the same person. Fighting against Frost is the only way for team flash to save the scientist. It would surely be difficult for the team especially for Cisco as they have been teammates for so long.

'The Originals' Season 4 Episode 6 Scheduled on April 28, Finale Episode on June 23; Season 6 Still On the Line, Hinted Creativity Issue for Delay

For "The Original" season 4 episode 6 titled "Bag of Cobras," the synopsis revealed that Elijah and Klaus will be luring The Hollow and its new servant. Also, in the promo released, it featured the talk between Vincent and Elijah and the guilt feeling of Vincent as being responsible for bringing back The Hollow.

'The Flash' Season 3 Episode 19 Spoilers: Scarlet Speedster Wasted In The Future; Grant Gustin Talks How Hard It Is To Film Future Flash

Andrew Kreisberg, the showrunner of "The Flash" spilled that the next five finale episodes of the series will be described as hilarious, scary, as well as dramatic. Fans can all expect that start with "The Flash" season 3 episode 19 and beyond will be like a rollercoaster ride of emotions.

'The Flash' Season 3 Episode 19: Barry Will Be Messing Future First Time! Clifford DeVoe will be the Next Big Villain in Season 4

Barry's bright idea in "The Flash" Season 3 Episode 19 is to identify who Savitar is and to save Iris being killed in cold blood. It is time for fans to take a tour in 2024 instead of running back in time. April 25, 2024, to be exact and according to the report, it is also the same date that Flash in the future vanished during a crisis in Central City.

'Justice League' Latest Update: New Trailer Showcases Ezra Miller’s Barry Allen

New Teaser Trailer shows Ezra Miller's Barry Allen powers. DC Extended Universe will go on and continue its promise to showcase the top DC heroes on the big screens.

'The Flash' Season 3 'Supergirl' Season 2 Crossover Episode Plot Synopsis, Promo Clip Revealed; 'Glee' Actor to Guest Star

Everything you need to know about the upcoming crossover episode of "The Flash' Season 3 and "Supergirl" is here.

'The Flash-Supergirl' Spoiler: Iris & Mon-El Roles Revealed; Musical Episode Much Like Romeo &Juliet, Winn & Cisco's Much Awaited Interaction

"The Flash" and "Supergirl" episode on Tuesday, Valdes, and Barrowman who plays their respective characters as Cisco Ramon and Malcolm Merlyn. Both talked and shared what to expect in the most anticipated episode of "Supergirl" and "The Flash." For the over years, producers in the Arrowverse has been successful in pulling out a crossover.

'The Flash' Season 3 'Supergirl' Crossover Plot Synopsis Revealed; 'Glee' Actor to Guest Star

"The Flash" Season 3 crossovers with "Supergirl". More details here. "The Flash" Season 3 episode 17 "duet" will have a cross-over with "Supergirl".

'The Flash' Season 3 Spoilers: Grant Gustin Teases Savitar's Original Identity: Barry Faces Aggression While Entering Speed Force

In the upcoming episode of "The Flash" Season 3 Barry will be able to unmask the true identity of rogue Savitar.

'The Flash' Season 3 Episode 16 Spoilers: Wally Gets Stuck In the Speed Force After Being Manipulated by Salvitar; Barry Allen to Face Three Old Villains

Barry Allen tries to save Wally in "Into the Speed Force" as is unwillingly influenced by Savitar leaving him in a predicament. Moreover, Barry gears up to face three villains from the past.

‘Supergirl’- ‘The Flash’ Musical Crossover Confirmed; Meanwhile Producer Teased A ‘Lois & Clark’ Reunion

A ‘Supergirl’- ‘The Flash’ musical crossover will happen soon that will take place in an alternate reality.

'The Flash' Spoiler: 'Ant Man' Actor David Dastmalchian To Cast As The Weather Wizard In Season 3

The latest spoilers on The Flash Season 3 has been leaked and photos have claimed that actor David Dastmalchian has been spotted on set and rumors are growing that he will be playing as The Weather Wizard in the next episode.

'The Flash' Season 3 Spoilers: Gypsy & Jesse's Last Episode? Barry Into Speed Force Once Again To Save his Family and to Stop Savitar

For Barry to defeat Grodd, a speedster from Earth-19 will come, Comic Book has reported. Is he really has come to help? or he has come to do another business? Reports claimed that the accelerated man from Earth-19 might have come leading Gypsy to her death.

'The Flash' Season 3 Spoilers: Caitlin's Season 2 Arc Revealed, EP Teases Tragic End For Caitlin Snow

Valdes stated that Caitlin has her own set of secrets that will completely change the dynamic of the team and also Caitlin's own feelings within the team. Valdes further stated that it all comes to a head, the EP of "The Flash," Aaron Helbing claimed that fans will witness Caitlin's struggle and how she handles her power throughout the season.

“The Flash” Season 3: Major Villain Officially Returns; New Character to be Introduced

Gorilla Grodd officially returns in “The Flash” Season 3 the most dangerous villain of every season is a comeback in the show. Add to that, a new character from DC Comics will be introduced.

'The Flash' Season 3 Spoilers: "Whisper To A Scream" Promo Will See Cisco's Battle With Gypsy & Harrison On Team Flash

The CW also revealed the synopsis for the next episode of "The Flash." H.R's (played by Tom Cavanagh) past will catch up with him, when Gypsy (guest star Jessica Camacho), a bounty hunter who has a power same as Cisco, vibe powers, arrives in Central City.

'The Flash' Season 3 Spoilers & Update: Team Flash Will Do Everything To Save Iris Life; EP Revealed Big Plans For Caitlin Snow

When the season 3 return from hiatus, one of the first things to do of Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) is to save Iris' (Candice Patton) life from the "speed god," Savitar after foreseeing the future wherein he brutally kill his girlfriend in cold blood. Every single significant character (Kid Flash, Dr. Caitlyn Snow, Cisco Ramon, Harrison Wells, Joe) in the show will surely play a huge part in saving the precious life of Iris West.

'Flash' Season 3 Episode 10 Updates: How Barry Changes The Future, Iris' Death

The Flash is indeed in for some twists as Barry is said to have the powers to change the future. Details about the death of Iris are also discussed.