The PS4 has garnered a large contingent of admirers ever since its debut at Gamescom 2013 earlier this summer. As its Nov. 15th release date in the U.S. draws ever closer, let's take a look at what everyone is saying about the next-gen console.

The PS4 certainly bested its rival, the Xbox One, when it was first revealed to consumers. Part of that was due to the fact that Sony put out a quality product, while the rest could easily be attributed to Sony not making any monumental mistakes like Microsoft did.

While the Xbox One went for a cash grab by putting the price at $499, the PS4 aims to be much more reasonably priced at $399. The Xbox One has attempted to ease that difference by including a free game and motion sensor technology, but the bottom line still sees the PS4 ahead.

The folks at Sony also made the smart decision to not include an "always on" DRM policy that has become increasingly popular in the gaming community in recent years (a la the Sim City debacle). Microsoft initially chose to include such a policy, and paid dearly for it despite the fact that they have since backed down from having gamers always being online to play games.

Don't be mistaken, however. The PS4 is also offering plenty of quality innovations regardless of Microsoft's own slip-ups. It has been recently announced that the uber high-resolution 4K video will be supported on the new console. Officials with Sony have also hinted at big advancements in the future for the Playstation Plus premium online service.

"We definitely see [PlayStation Plus] as a core part of the way forward," noted Sony Computer Entertainment Europe President and CEO Jim Ryan. "We're not yet in a position to disclose our plans for the future of PlayStation Plus but there will definitely be a prominent role to play for it in the PlayStation 4 landscape."

Then of course there are the reports that Sony also aims to integrate virtual reality into the gaming experience in the near future. Though Sony has yet to formally debut the CVG headgear that could power virtually reality on the PS4, there is hope that they will reveal the top-secret technology soon.

"Y'know, we're Sony, so we have lots of different things and different ideas in R&D," said Sony Worldwide Studios head honcho Shuhei Yoshida. "When it comes to researching things, we are doing a lot of things that we can't talk about."

It's still too early to tell, but it appears that Sony is doing everything right to secure a strong hold on the gaming console market. Don't be surprised if the PS4 is the runaway winner at the check out counter come the holiday shopping season.