Pandora is now allowing musicians to see what their fans (and enemies) are listening to and how they are rating songs and artists.

Thanks to a new analytics program called Pandora AMP, artists now have the tools to release the singles that they know their fans want to hear. In addition, artists will be able to craft better set lists for their concerts.

"With AMP, we hope to make the day in and day out easier for artists by eliminating the guesswork," Tim Westergren wrote in a blog post.

Currently, there are over 125,000 artists on Pandora. With AMP, artists will be able to see who is listening to their songs, how they got to their song, what artist sparked their interest and much more.

Pandora's move to assist artists is ideal. Pandora has been around for nine years, and since then over 50 billion hours of music has been played by Pandora listeners. The way that Pandora curates music is based on the "thumbs up" and "thumbs down" ratings systems.

Now, with AMP, artists are going to be able to see who is liking (or hating) their music.

Pandora will help more than just established artists. Up-and-comers looking to make a splash in the music industry will also be able to track who is listening to their songs and songs similar to theirs.

Interestingly enough, AMP was released at the beginning of an Internet radio dispute on royalties. It will take quite some time for that dispute to be decided.

For now, Pandora will keep providing its free service to music listeners and will help artists find out what they are listening to.

What do you think of Pandora AMP? Is it a good idea? Or is it a little too much privacy given up for your taste? Leave us a comment below and let us know what you think.