"Mad Men" actor Jon Hamm, also known as the dapper Don Draper, has been hamming it up lately despite rumors that he has throat cancer -- the reality is that the "30 Rock" guest star is having throat surgery to remove a polyp, according to the Associated Press.

"It's a simple injury," he told the AP. "Something that develops on your vocal cord from overuse because I talk a lot. Other than that, believe it or not, I'm healthy as a horse. Hoarse, get it?" he joked.

What causes polyps of the throat?

"People who use their voices a great deal, such as professional singers, teachers, auctioneers, lecturers, and members of the clergy, are prone to have nodules on their vocal cords. Like polyps, nodules may develop as a result of excessive use of the voice," according to Health Central.

Hamm's publicist Erica Gray told AP that he will undergo a routine outpatient procedure.

"In an interview on "Jimmy Kimmel Live" on Sept. 25, Hamm explained that his upcoming surgery is "a very routine procedure," The HuffPost Celebrity reported. "I've got a polyp on my vocal chord. It sounds worse than it is, although it doesn't sound as bad as how the National Enquirer reported it, which was that I was coughing up blood and probably have cancer," Hamm explained to Kimmel with a laugh..."I was like..., 'That's good to put that out there. Thanks guys.' Because you know, I cough up blood ... never."

The 42-year-old actor was nominated for best actor at the Emmy Awards, but lost to Jeff Daniels of the HBO drama, "Newsroom."