Some fans of "The Bridge" probably think that season finale was a letdown. It wasn't very exciting or explosive, as is the way of many first season finales. There were no cliffhangers and no important deaths. What last night's episode, "The Crazy Place," presented was basically all setup for Season 2.

Eva was found by Sonya and Marco by the end of the first half of the episode. She was in pretty bad shape after being drugged, beaten and raped, and would've died if it weren't for one moral Juarez cop. I have to say, this plot just didn't do anything for me. It's still unclear why Eva went back to Juarez in the first place, and I guess the moral of the story is most Juarez cops are terrible human beings? Regardless, Linder was finally back with his bride.

The situation once again sparked Sonya's interest in investigating the dead girls of Juarez, which may be a bigger part of next season. Her relationship with Marco, which has been thoroughly explored all season, sort of hit a new point. She kind of just shows up at his house whenever she wants now and he lets her in. Do I see a romantic relationship forming in the future? Maybe. The real question is, do we want to see one?

Other big setups for next season revolved around Charlotte and Adriana/Daniel. The former is turning out to be more and more like Graciela every day. She won't have Ray slap her ass and she demands respect. While she's seemingly on her way to become Charlotte the Drug Trade Queen, a mysterious man revealed that he knows everything she's up to. His actual identity, his motive and whom he works for remain to be seen.

The most interesting setup for next season was obviously Daniel and Adriana's "little" discovery. For his first story back at work, Daniel was assigned to cover Millie Quintana's 100th birthday, much to his chagrin. He and Adriana went to her house and found her dead, along with $65 million worth of drug money in her closet. No biggie. What's even more interesting is around $20 million is Euros. What does this all mean? Who knows. Millie probably had some major connection to a Mexican drug cartel, but what makes it more interesting is the European aspect.

The end of the episode, which was my least favorite part, showed Marco going "bad" by confiding in Fausto Galvan to enable him to kill David Tate. Honestly, I'd rather not see Tate next season. His story needs to be finished, unless we get another aspect of his murderous streak as The Beast that we didn't know before. The typical revenge plots on "The Bridge" proved to not work to well. Everyone else's personal stories in the unique environment of El Paso and Juarez are why this show is worth watching.

Stray bullets

- As foreshadowed, Adriana's little sister is most likely a new missing girl. She never got off the bus that transports working girls from the factory, so this will most likely bring Sonya, Marco and Adriana to the forefront of a major plot next season.

- That cop who disobeyed orders and let Eva live? First Marco punched him repeatedly in the face, and then he was shot dead by another cop.

- "Does Cesar slap my ass?" I don't see the Charlotte/Ray team lasting too much longer.

- Best moment of the season? It has to be a tie between Sonya's awkward pickup skills (what happened to that guy anyway?) and Graciela's "cartel thing."