Now that you have stuffed yourself and sat around with friends and family feeling grateful that you could veg out, watch a parade and debate on what’s going on with those Peter Pan promos, it might just be the perfect time to move around and get some exercise. There is always an excuse for putting working out off, but if you already plan on doing some Black Friday shopping, you might be able to maximize the savings and justify your spending by getting in on some great deals on exercise equipment.

Right now Kohl's has a PRO-FORM hybrid trainer which is ideal for a low-impact cardio workout for $478.99, that is 300 bucks less that what the machine normally goes for.

Kohl's also has an Avari magnetic elliptical trainer which features dual-action handlebars for upper and lower body workouts for just $314.99.

Target has the InMotion T900 Manual Treadmill which comes with dual-weighted flywheels and needs no electric outlet for only $105.99.

In addition, the Tony Little Gazelle Edge Fitness System, an aerobic/resistance training system equipped with a dual-action split suspension feature that provides complete range of motion for a thorough, low-impact workout, is available at Target for just $112.99.

For one day only, NordicTrack’s got there treadmills on sale for about $1,000 off. You can purchase the Commercial 1750 for $1,349.00 or the X11i Incline Trainer for $2,199.00 and seriously save over $1000 on each.

Dick’s Sporting Goods has $50 off their Schwinn Exercise Bikes and 50 percent off both men and women’s Nishiki cycling wear.

Finally, if you want to blame any sudden weight gain on an attempt at bulking up, you can always go over to Overstock and get a Marcy Smith Cage and Cable crossover machine for $645.22.

Overstock also has an Imoex Marcy Olympic Workout Bench for $189.99, which is a 55 percent discount from its regular price.