"Mad Men," the critically acclaimed 1960s set drama that brought office drinking and Rubenesque secretaries back to the American consciousness, is in its final season and going out with all the accolades it deserves.

The Matthew Weiner-created AMC show has just been nominated by the Writers Guild of America for several awards, including Individual Episode and Drama Series.

The winners will be honored at the 2015 Writers Guild Awards on Saturday, Feb. 14, 2015, at simultaneous ceremonies held in Los Angeles and New York City.

In an Esquire interview, Weiner predicts that the final episode of "Mad Men" will be met with both satisfaction and disfavor.

“The road has been paved for a mixed review, no matter what. I do what I've always done on the show and rely on the people around me,” said Weiner.

Pointing out the constant pressure the series has been under since it started, the nine-time Primetime Emmy Award winner says that, since he never knew if the show was ever coming back after each season, he and his team treated the series as if every Episode 13 was going to be the end of the series.

In an interview with the Daily Beast, Jon Hamm, who plays the emotionally lacerated but suave Don Draper, knows that saying farewell to the character that made him a household name will be rough. “This has been the singular experience of my acting career, really. And it's coming to an end. So yes, it's going to be hard to say goodbye," he said.

Christina Hendricks, who plays Joan Holloway on the show, told People that, although she thought it was a good idea to “quit when you're still on top," leaving the show behind was going to be hard. "I don't feel ready," said the five-time Emmy-nominated actress.