"Orange Is the New Black," the dark Netflix comedy-drama about a formally privileged woman having to deal with a 15-month stint in a woman’s prison, has just been nominated for several Golden Globe Awards, including a best series comedy nod and a best actress nomination for Taylor Schilling who plays the formally prissy protagonist.

The prison show, dealing with issues of gender, class, and drug policies, is a bona fide slice of Americana now, and its just nominated star feels a serious link to the woman she plays.

Talking to Boston Common Magazine, Schilling said of her character, “She makes a lot of sense to me. I always think there’s that negotiation between what you think you need to be for the outside world and what your own honest experience is.”

The 30-year-old actress who won a 2013 Satellite Award for Best Actress in a Television Series and, at one point in her life, supported herself as a nanny for a family in Manhattan, said, “I certainly think I’m on that quest myself; I relate to that. She has to figure out how to play by her own rules. That’s an interesting journey people go on whether or not they’re in prison. That’s kind of what life is about.”

The groundbreaking series was first a memoir by Piper Kerman, who describes the time she served 13 months, between 2004 and 2005, in a minimum-security federal prison in Connecticut.

The book was criticized by Slate as being not a realistic peek into American prison life but rather a stab at the genre of "middle-class-transgression,” which is maybe a problem for any nonfiction that wants to ape high literature but is just perfect for a dark TV series along the lines of "Californication" or "Breaking Bad."

Other notable cast member of the online series include Dascha Polanco, Yael Stone, and Laura Prepon.