Since the release of iOS 8, battery issues have been plaguing updated iPhones and iPads.

It seems every iOS that is released brings along with it a new slew of bugs and glitches. This time around, the battery issues facing all iDevices capable of upgrading to iOS 8 are being more stubborn than ever as Apple quietly rolls out small iOS updates.

This week, Apple released iOS 8.1.2 in hopes of resolving the battery life issues that thus far had not been solved with any firmware updates. However, it seems that 8.1.2 was unsuccessful in solving the problem.

As quickly as they can now, rumors are circulating that Apple is gearing up to release 8.1.3. Aside from battery life issues, updated devices have also been facing Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity issues. iOS 8.1.3 is expected for release within the next week.

Aside from fixing minor issues with minor updates, Apple is also preparing to release iOS 8.2. This would mark the first time that Apple has released a "X.2" update since iOS 4. The new version would also bring with it the Watch Development Kit, which will allow developers to code and develop applications for the Apple Watch. According to Apple, iOS 8 is now running on approximately two-thirds of all Apple devices.

On the more unofficial side of iOS news, untethered jailbreaks for iOS 8-8.1.2 have received more than a few tweaks over the past few weeks on Cydia, the unofficial app store of sorts of jailbroken devices. The International Business Times put together a convenient list of the new apps available on Cydia as well as the tweaks that users can now expect.

Apple needs to step up their game in the smartphone firmware world, especially when platforms like Android Lollipop are getting reviewed favorably by new adopters and critics.