Florida Senator Marco Rubio said Wednesday that he can win the 2016 presidential race, Associated Press reported.

The first-term senator said that he has not made a decision on whether or not to seek re-election to the Senate or to just run for president in 2016.

"I believe that if I decide to run for president, we have a path to be a very competitive candidate, and ultimately to win," Rubio told the AP.

"I can't guarantee a victory. Certainly these races will be very competitive, and there are factors outside of our control that will determine a lot of it," he added.

"But if we made the decision to run for president, I believe that we can put together the organization and raise the money necessary to win."

Rubio has recently talked about getting a bid for the White House more than he has in the past.

"If you decide that you're going to run for president of the United States, that's what you need to run for. You need to be focused," Rubio said.

"If I decide to run for president, I'll run for president. And I'm not going to be looking for some exit strategy or off-ramp in case things don't work out."

Other high-profile Republicans who are expected to run for the president's seat in 2016 include Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz.

"We have a lot of talented people in the Republican Party," Rubio said of Bush, who served as Florida's governor while Rubio was rising in state politics. "Jeb is one of them. But there are others, too."

Rubio is set to go on tour to promote his book release next week which confronts his immigration critics.

The senator refused to apologize for pushing for a more comprehensive approach that included a pathway to citizenship for immigrants in the country illegally.