Done with breakfast already? Having a hearty breakfast and making it the most crucial meal of the day is what most people believe they should do. This notion might come to an end as a new study reveals otherwise.

Any typical breakfast of fruits, oats, eggs, bread or pancakes is encouraged to keep up with the much needed energy for another busy day for most people. Concerned parents especially mothers would insist on eating this important meal of the day too for their kids. Added to this are cereal manufacturers pressing on with the idea of never missing out breakfast since having a good and heavy cereal breakfast is equivalent to having high energy levels throughout the day.

The weight watchers and for people looking forward in shedding pounds, eating breakfast seems to be a way to go! Breakfast is said to minimize hunger pangs and aids in weight loss since there would be less time in anticipating the next meal and it would be unlikely that overeating happens when one had a heavy breakfast.

Some people ought also to skip breakfast due to being night owls and having one is too time consuming for busy bodies as well. Most of these people would surely rejoice on the recent new article published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. They believed that there is minimal scientific evidence behind the belief of making breakfast a weight management tool. This is similar to what celebrities usually say that not eating anything after 7 at night is said to be beneficial. All of these statements have no clear scientific evidence or ground to prove such points.

So right now, as the study divulged, it is best to be simply attuned on one's body rhythm and eat with the usual routine or time of the day. People are different and for sure eating preferences would vary. Others are breakfast eaters while some look forward to having brunch. There are lots and lots of ways to do things and one of this is taking your meals through the day, with breakfast or not. Important thing is, the body is properly nourished and fueled.