The Xbox One and Playstation 4 are so similar that the creator of Resident Evil, Shinji Mikami, said to Edge that there is "no real difference" between the two.

It is a far cry from all of the words we hear from Microsoft or Sony representatives who try to boost up their respective game console with every opportunity.

Mikami also revealed that the Xbox One initially was somewhat inferior but Microsoft picked up the slack soon enough.

"And when Xbox One was first announced, it had lower specs than PS4, but now they're almost identical. So either will do," he said.

"We only need one console," he added.

Comcept's Keiji Infauane mostly agreed with what Mikami said.

"If you get down to the tiny details then maybe each is better at one thing than the other, but it doesn't really impact the way you make a game," Mikami said. "It's not like PS4 or Xbox One are particularly hard to develop for. Quite the opposite: you can make whatever you want on either one, and that should be enough for anyone."

Both consoles have gone neck to neck in sales; the PS4 had the head start since they announced the release date earlier, but the Xbox One has quickly picked up preorders.

The PS4 will be released on Nov. 15 while the Xbox One will be one week behind with a Nov. 22 release date. Regardless of which game console is released first, the important part is that both are going to be on the shelves before the much anticipated Black Friday sale after Thanksgiving.