The life of a telenovela actor is filled with long hours of filming for months on end, and though it's no different for Telemundo's "Tierra de Reyes" stars, the cast finds ways to entertain themselves. Mostly, it's by poking fun of each other.

In an interview with Mezcal TV, Aaron Diaz explained that there are challenges with the telenovela, which is set on a ranch. Diaz plays Arturo Gallardo, Sofia's love interest, on the show.

"Every day things happen when you're working with animals," he said, according to People En Español. "I'm referring to real animals, not [my co-stars]."

Sofia actress Ana Lorena Sanchez had a very memorable story about Fabian Rios, who plays her on-screen husband Leonardo.

"Mr. Fabian Rios decided to hide and scare me," she said. "My reaction was to chase him, but because he took off running and a car appeared, he almost got hit trying to avoid it. He slipped and fell."

Sanchez could not help laughing as she recounted the story and explained that these pranks are necessary on set.

Rios said that, unlike the flashy Leonardo, he is an introvert. That doesn't mean he doesn't like to have fun, however. Rios pointed out that he is having a lot of fun with his castmates while on set.

Sonya Smith, who plays Leonardo's mother-in-law Cayetana, confirmed that "Tierra de Reyes" is a fun environment.

"When we are all together, prepare yourself because it's as though it was a school for little kids," Smith said.

Gonzalo Garcia Vivanco, who plays curly-haired Flavio Gallardo, talked about the tough parts of his job. He said people don't understand how much work actors put into their craft.

"People don't see," he said. "They think the life of an actor is very easy. It's 12 hours, and on top of that, one has to train for two hours."

Vivanco added that learning lines and even cooking for himself make his life hectic. He said he sleeps four to five hours a night, which is something Irina actress Kimberly dos Santos agreed with.

Sanchez further broke down her day to give people an accurate idea of how long her work day is.

"I woke up at 5 a.m. today," she said. "And I think my day runs until 11:30 p.m. or midnight."