"Family Guy" debut their fist episode on Jan. 31st, 1999. Seth MacFarlane, the creator of the show has since made this animated series a phenomenon. With its offensive jokes and constant annoyance of the "Parents Television Council", Family Guy has become a part of our weekly routines. Whenever you need a huge laugh, you can count on the outrageous antics of Peter, Lois, Meg, Chris, Brian and Stewie, along with all of their friends. But Sunday night's episode marked a turning point for the show, viewers were truly stunned. For once in the history of Family Guy...fans stop laughing.

You are ready for episode six of this hilarious 12th season of "Family Guy". You are super excited because every single episode this season has just gotten funnier and funnier. You wonder what else can Seth MacFarlane come up with? Then the episode starts and you are laughing at the racist portrayal of an America reversed. Native Americans won the war and "white people" are "put away into little reservations". It's an episode based on Stewie's time machine and Brian being pissed at him for messing with the past again. Then Stewie does the unexpected...he destroys his precious time machine. If you watch this show, you know that this is a big deal. Brian puzzled asks Stewie "what is he doing?" Stewie answers; " this time machine has almost killed us a 100 times Brian, and yesterday was just too close a call".

After the time machine is destroyed, Brian and Stewie find more time to spend together outside, doing normal things. As Brian prepares for a street hockey game, stewie goes back inside of the house to grab his "knee pads". As Stewie walks over to the house, a fancy car comes racing down the street and brutally runs over Brian. At first you are thinking this is just going to lead into some funny story and Brian is just going to get up and curse everyone out, especially after a squirrel kicks him in the head saying "I hated that guy".But then the entire family comes out of the house, scared, because Brian never gets up.

So Seth Macfarlane just killed off one of the main characters of the show! Not to mention, he is the voice of Brian, pointing all reasoning to the fact that he no longer wanted to do voice overs for the character. With all of the success of the show it can be more than probable that MacFarlane is just too busy to record Brian's voice and also manage the entire "Family Guy" empire. Or he can just simply be messing with us. One way or another...you just killed Brian!!! You couldn't just hire someone with a similar voice to play him? Maybe this is just another one of your cruel jokes and Brian is coming back next week...right? I cried for gosh sakes! During an episode of freaking "Family Guy"! Seth...This is just not right.

Well, don't think we will warm up to Brian's replacement Vinny as quickly as Stewie did after a "wishy-wash" heart to heart. You take Brian away from us and on top of that...you replace him with a new dog within the same episode? If it was "talk" that you were hoping for after this, you got it Seth! It's going to take a while for Family Guy fans to forgive you for this one, if it's really true. We will however, continue to watch because we cannot get enough of your perfectly messed up and sick brain!

What are your thoughts on this unexpected Family Guy Episode? Do you think Brian is really gone? Will you still watch? Watch the shocking scene below.