"The Walking Dead," AMC’s take on America’s current obsession with the notion of a zombie apocalypse, is a show that does not mind killing off its beloved heroes.

Season 5 has already left its audience reeling from the deaths of several fan-favorites.

Tyreese (Chad Coleman), a devoted father and strong-willed leader of his fellow survivors, died a hallucinatory death in Episode 9. And before that shocker, Beth (Emily Kinney), the character who represented a kind of sheltered innocence and soul within the grim group, expired in Episode 8.

With a show that does not mind killing off its darlings, it is no wonder that AMC has no problem doling out spoilers in the form of a scene of mere trepidation.

The first look at Episode 14, “Spend,” focuses on being brave versus bailing out and features two of the show's more underdeveloped characters.

Eugene (Josh McDermitt), a man whose intimate knowledge of the undead pandemic and the means to possibly end the blight more than makes up for his cowardice and lack of survival skills, is walking the perimeter with Tara (Alanna Masterson), a woman who has been a self-sacrificing leader on more than one occasion. The two are discussing their current state, having finally come to the long sought after safe zone of Alexandria

Eugene, who tells Tara he is not "combat ready" or “even for that matter combat-inclined,” believes he has already pulled an ample amount of weight by leading the group to Washington.

Tara grows frustrated in disbelief listening to Eugene's rationalization of his non-involvement with the group.

“Are you really that much of a coward?” Tara asks.

Eugene, confident in his fear, says, “Yes, I am. I told you I was.”

You can check out the scene at AMC right now.