This weekend Disney will release its latest live-action adaptation of "Cinderella." The movie has an immense cast that includes Cate Blanchett, Lily James, Richard Madden, Helena Bonham Carter, Holliday Grainger and Derek Jacobi. It is also includes the renowned model and Latina actress Jana Perez, who plays the short but crucial role of Princess Chelina. Perez spoke to Latin Post about the process of getting the role, working with director Kenneth Branagh and future projects.

Latin Post: How to get involved in the project?

Jana Perez: I first went to London and had an audition. And then when I had a really good feeling. I was really comfortable working with the casting director, Lucy Bevan. She is a wonderful woman. From there I got a call back and this time it was with Kenneth Branagh, the director. I met him, and I did really well, and I got the part.

LP: What kind of preparation did you do for the ball scene?

JP: In the ball scene, I don't dance. In the scene, they call all the princesses to meet the prince. My character is ready to meet him, and we have a good interaction. But then she realizes that the prince is in love with an unknown princess. The king wants my character to marry the prince because I am part of a huge city. In the time period of "Cinderella" people marry for prestige and to protect the kingdom. In this scene I end up looking at the prince and Cinderella. It's so beautiful because they are all alone dancing.

LP: What was your experience working with Richard Madden, who plays the prince?

JP: I love how Richard Madden does his role. He is the perfect prince because he is so charming. Working with him was such a pleasure, and I admire him so much in particular his work in "Game of Thrones."

LP: What was it like working with Kenneth Branagh?

JP: I loved working with Kenneth Branagh. I have always admired him as an actor and he did such a great job here. He surprised me because, when we were on set, he would go and say hi to all of us, and he was always so kind. With my role, he guided me and told me the type of princess he wanted me to play. He told me, "Be yourself." So I thought Princess Chelina of Zaragosa was a good woman, and she would accept that the prince was in love with another woman. She leaves him for love and with the hope of finding her own prince charming in the future.

LP: Were you familiar with the original film? And if so, did that help you prepare yourself for the film?

JP: Yes, I was familiar. I always keep the original present because I am a huge fan it and I have always loved the film.

LP: What is it like working with costume designer Sandy Powell?

JP: Her work is so amazing. When you put on the costumes, it really helps you become the princess. The costumes help you obtain the rigidity and elegance of a princess.

LP: As a Latina do you think it is easier to obtain roles in Hollywood now?

JP: In Los Angeles there are so many Latin roles. I think it is growing, but there is always a problem with the accent, and I wish I had a more American accent. Sometimes when you audition, the directors want a Latino, but they want one with an American accent.

LP: What was the moment when you realized you wanted to be an actress?

JP: When I was young, my mom always asked me, "What do you want to do when you're older?" I always said, "A model and an actress." I always liked to travel and that is what I wanted to do. I am so happy because it's been 10 years that I have been able to travel and dedicate myself to fashion. And now as an actress, I started six years ago when I moved to London. I found an acting school, and there I got the role for "Cinderella."

LP: What are your next projects?

JP: I have one project coming soon. It is called "Our Kind of Traitor," and it is a movie directed by Susanna White. It is based on book by John Le Carre, and I was really happy because I will be working with Stellan Skarsgard, who is also in "Cinderella."