In Season 4, Episode 18 of "Once Upon a Time," viewers can expect to learn more about the Author and his objective on the show.

Questions such as "What does the Author want?" and "Where did he come from and what is he all about?" will be answered in the upcoming episode, TVLine reports.

"Once Upon a Time" creator Adam Horowitz recently spoke with TVLine about the future episode and revealed that finding the Author will be a huge plot line in the forthcoming episode.

"We wanted to get to the reveal of the Author sooner in the season that we thought people might expect, by bringing him out when we did, and now it's about what happens with him out, what happens with who he winds up in contact with, what is everyone's agenda and how do they cross?" he explained.

In the previous episode, the Author was banished from the book for not obeying the rules. In the new episode, viewers will see why he is a rule breaker and when he first began changing things in the book.

In addition to finding out more details about the author, viewers will also find out how Gold plans to compel Regina to do his bidding.

"Once Upon a Time" creator Eddy Kitsis hinted at what Gold might do by revealing, "Like all good villains, they take what you love and use it against you."

The question that now remains is what does Regina love most that Gold will undoubtedly use against her for his own benefit?

Emma will also be featured in the forthcoming episode. She is still upset over discovering her parent's secret, and viewers will get to see how this affects her relationships. Emma will also be tempted to join the dark side, Kitsis revealed.

"Once Upon a Time" airs Sundays on ABC at 8 p.m. EST.