Justin Bieber has been falsely accused and is actually not a horrible person. If this story is actually true, we apologize to Justin because we must admit, it totally sounded like something you would do.

Bieber's reckless behavior has lead us to believe that the kid is a spoiled brat (even though he makes his own money). Look, Justin, we are proud of your accomplishments but, if you want people to respect you, you have to stop acting like a jerk. A source told Hollyscoop that Justin never called the girl in Australia a "beached whale." In fact, he never even had contact with her.

An eyewitness at the pool said, "there was a fan who was trying to get into Justin's 'VIP' pool area, where he was hanging with his entourage". The girl did not make it into the VIP area because his bodyguards turned her away, meaning Bieber probably never even saw her. The source says that JB pretty much hung out with his entourage except for "flirting" and taking pictures with a blonde girl.

Now it seems as if the rejected fan was just mad enough to fabricate this story to get back at Biebs. The "All That Matters" singer, however, did post a status on Twitter reading, "You are all beautiful," so now were wondering why? Looks like Justin recognizes what his reputation has done to his credibility, the boy doesn't even try to defend himself anymore.

Maybe this is a lesson to Justin to really work on himself so people won't judge him and believe every negative story about him. Bieber's mom has also come forward to stand up for her son whom she says is not given credit for all the good things he does do. Reports say that she was actually the one who informed the media of Justin's trip to the Philippines to help out victims of the Typhoon. Momma Bieber is a Belieber!

Again, sorry, Justin... we kind of really feel bad. Kind of.