In the upcoming episode of the ABC political thriller series “Scandal,” the team charged with taking down B613 -- a covert government black-ops agency responsible for much mayhem -- finds themselves in some serious danger and are forced to take some drastic self-protective measures.

Meanwhile in the White House, as reported by Spoiler TV, First Lady Melody Grant (Bellamy Young) is shocked and hurt to find that the nation has turned against her, and the Chief of Staff Cyrus Beene (Jeff Perry) will be forced to come to her public defense.

Melody has gone through some pretty rough times on the series before.

Due her husband’s infidelity and constant betrayals, “Mellie” has been tested almost as much as some real-life First Ladies.

And after the death of her son, she went through a serious depression.

But the actress who portrays the much put upon figure of “Scandal”’s First Lady said that playing the grieving Mellie Grant was "the most fun I've had on the job."

In an interview in People, Young described Mellie as the only one telling the truth in the White House, saying: “She got to walk around in her bathrobe, eating fried chicken without a bra on and tell everyone exactly what she was thinking. It was a blast. I loved 'Fat Mellie.'"

The episode, titled “First Lady Sings the Blues,” guest-stars Emmy-winning Joe Morton as Rowan "Eli" Pope and Emmy-nominated Kate Burton as Sally Langston.

“Scandal” showrunner Shonda Rhimes is actually leaving open the possibility of a B613 spinoff.

As quoted in the Hollywood Reporter, Rhimes said, "I have my own obsessions with B613 that are probably unhealthy."

"I have like three versions of a B613 spinoff in my head that I obsess about constantly," said the 45-year old writer and producer.

Episode 20 of the fourth season of “Scandal” airs Thursday, April 23 at 9 p.m. ET on the ABC Television Network.