Drama continues after this week's "Teen Mom OG," Season 5, Episode 5, "Surprise Surprise" that aired Monday. In the episode, Farrah Abraham tentatively returned to the show and nearly had a meltdown. Gary Shirley asked Amber Portwood if she missed a particular part of his anatomy, which Farrah attacked him about Monday night on Twitter.

In the sneak peek for the "Teen Mom OG" next episode, "Maci Quits," the show's executive producer Morgan Freeman visits Maci Bookout and boyfriend Taylor McKinney at their Tennessee home to drop a bombshell.

"We've decided to bring Farrah back," he reveals.

There is a long pause. Maci looks mortified.

"If this is true, I'm done. I'm not doing this anymore," she says. "I'm not having my 6-year-old on the show with someone who did porn on TV."

Morgan tells Maci that if she and Farrah were living together or best friends or working together, he could understand, but the reality show "shows four completely different experiences, so you [viewers] are able to see how decisions manifest in different ways."

Taylor tells Morgan that Maci is trying to get across the message that being a young mother is hard and "when she is linked to Farrah, it brings her two steps back."

Morgan attempts to smooth things over, but Maci is adamant: She is done.

"As far as I'm concerned, you guys can leave now," Maci says.

While Farrah is not shown in the Episode 6 sneak peek, she expressed her feelings about the situation during an April 19 interview with YouTube personality Shane Dawson. She claimed that she has paved the way for her co-stars on the show.

"I don't even deal with it! I have lived amongst it and they can all eat my sh*t! F*ck 'em! I love how people can act like they can make money and provide for their families when really, I've made the way for them," she said.

Meanwhile, mom-to-be Catelynn Lowell experiences contractions in "Maci Quits." When she announces it is time to head to the hospital, her fiancé, Tyler Baltierra, springs into action.

Watch "Teen Mom OG" Episode 6 "Maci Quits" on Monday, April 27, at 10 p.m. on MTV.