The craze for all things Apple has continued this month following the preorder on April 10 for the Apple Watch.

The Watch started shipping on April 24 and now, the market has started putting their new gadget to use.

But right out of the gate, the product has a big flaw: Tattoos.

CNN Money reports that there are multiple claims coming over social media via Reddit and Twitter that claim the watches are not working when worn over their tattoos.

The explanation is simple. The Apple Watch uses your heart rate to determine if you're wearing it. It does this by using infrared sensors that can see through your skin, regardless of the natural skin colors or scars, and calculate your heart rate.

The hang up here is when you have a tattoo under the watch sensors, it cannot see through the artificial ink coloring of the tattoo -- at least some of them that is. This, in essence, causes it to think it is not being used. This will also make it so that you cannot use Apple Pay, certain apps, make calls or receive notifications.

The new gadget has been designed to be more useful to the fitness and wellness consumer. An Apple Support page for the watch gives us a little breakdown on how it is supposed to operate.

"The heart rate sensor in Apple Watch uses what is known as photoplethysmography," the support page reads. "This technology, while difficult to pronounce, is based on a very simple fact: Blood is red because it reflects red light and absorbs green light. Apple Watch uses green LED lights paired with light‑sensitive photodiodes to detect the amount of blood flowing through your wrist at any given moment. When your heart beats, the blood flow in your wrist -- and the green light absorption - is greater. Between beats, it's less. By flashing its LED lights hundreds of times per second, Apple Watch can calculate the number of times the heart beats each minute -- your heart rate."

According to CNN Money, one of their Reddit users found a simple fix by turning off the wrist detection, but it does disable the heart rate monitor. This will allow notifications to come in, but you still cannot use Apple Pay or receive calls with the wrist detection turned off.

Also, according to Computer World, the best way to use the apps on your watch is by talking to Siri. The reason is because the apps are so small that you end up activating one you are not looking for with your much bigger fingers.