On a recent episode of "Watch What Happens Live," Sonja Morgan from "Real Housewives of New York" started drilling Bravo host Andy Cohen on a variety of topics, one of which was about the most famous person he has slept with.

"The most famous person I ever slept with I guess is Lance Bass," Cohen responded.

She also asked him where the weirdest place he has had sex, which he told her it was beneath the stands at Hollywood High School. But the revelation had already been put out there and not many were interested in much after hearing about he and Bass. That, of course, included Bass.

On a different article on E! News, Bass had a few things to say about that, but he doesn't come outright and deny any relations with the Bravo host. He did, however, deny ever having any intercourse with him.

"First of all, I'm not going to tell you what I do in the bedroom," Bass said on his SiriusXM Radio show, "Dirty Pop." "Sex is a broad term...like 'Andy banged Lance' -- when did he ever say that? This is an old story. Three years ago we told everyone we hooked up...Now it's getting into who did who? I can just tell you right now, there was no Andy D going in my B."

He also said that what went down in the bedroom was not what people are thinking.

"We're too great of friends to ever," he concluded on his radio show. "We didn't know each other that well [back then]. It was like, 'Ah, I wonder if I could date this guy?' It was that kind of thing."

USA Today also reports that on his radio show, Bass said, "It just happened that Andy was with me on this vacation. It was so nice and romantic and it was just a nice time. It was one of those things where I needed someone to hold onto."