Facebook introduced a new feature designed to make news articles load faster from users' mobile devices.

Instant Articles is said to load articles on the mobile app by up to 10 times faster than other articles on mobile websites, CNet reports.

Before Instant Articles, users would often have lengthy wait times when they would click on an article from their news feed. 

A faster load time is just one advantage that will be offered by Instant Articles. Interactive maps, image zoom, autoplay videos and audio captions will also come with the new feature. Partnering with Instant Articles is The New York Times, National Geographic, BuzzFeed, NBC, The Atlantic, The Guardian and BBC News. 

"Fundamentally, this is a tool that enables publishers to provide a better experience for their readers on Facebook," Facebook Chief Product Officer Chris Cox said in a statement. "Instant Articles lets them deliver fast, interactive articles while maintaining control of their content and business models." 

Instant Articles is designed to improve mobile users' experiences on the Facebook app.

It also aims to keep users engaged with the app. Before Instant Articles, users would click on news articles and be taken to the news channel or newspaper's website. This would lead to increased load times and also take users off of Facebook.

Mobile is an important business to Facebook. More than 85 percent of Facebook's daily users log on via a mobile device. Additionally, almost three-quarters of Facebook's $3.32 billion in ad revenue for the first quarter came from ads displayed on a mobile device. 

Facebook's partnership with these news organizations will also deliver better ad revenue to the news organizations. Facebook will allow the news organizations to sell ads with their selected content and keep the money earned from them. Publishers will also be able to track data and traffic through analytic tools. 

Instant Articles will initially be available for iOS devices. There was no report on when or if it will be available for Android devices.