It has been hot news since the time that it was tipped that Ben Affleck will still play the role of the Dark Knight on a solo Batman movie franchise even after his involvement on the upcoming Superman vs Batman movie.

Metro UK reports that the writer for Batman on Film, Bill Ramey is crossing his finger that the Hollywood actor would return and continue to play the lead role of Batman. He also emphasized in recent interviews that the focus of the coming Zack Snyder film will be Superman and not the Dark Crusader.

"It's a Superman film - a Superman film that just so happens to include Batman and Wonder Woman - but a Superman film nonetheless," he added. He gave hints that Lex Luthor will be the main villain but admitted that he could not reveal the identities of other potential villains who will appear on the Man of Steel sequel. The writer stated too that the Wonder Woman role will be similar to how Scarlet Johansson played the Black Widown role for Iron Man 2.

Screen Rant reported that the shooting of the movie will start by February in Michigan. Fresh information from the shoot only recently revealed that a production budget of $131 million is to be spent in Detroit. Lately, many fans are in high hopes that the Martian Manhunter or the Aquaman be included too in the sequel.

MStarz wrote that the inclusion of Arrow may not likely to happen and there will be no villains for Batman to appear in the sequel. The Dark Knight's costume may also be packed with a lot of armor same as with the styles featured in Batman Beyond.

The Superman vs Batman movie is set to hit the big screen on July 17, 2015.