Comedienne and Fashion Police Host Joan Rivers is known to cross the line with her mean jokes. Most celebrities seem to just laugh it off and let it go, because well, they're adults. But what happens when Rivers decides to pick on Hollwyood's younger crowd? You won't believe what she said about Kim and Kanye's daughter, Baby North West.

The 80-year-old comedienne was doing a stand up show at the Saban Theater in Los Angeles when she started to talk about the baby rumored to be more famous than Baby Prince George. Of course we are referring to Nori, as Kim and Kanye call their now 7-month old daughter. "That baby is ugly .... I've never seen a six-month old so desperately in need of a waxing" Joan said.

River's explains that she ran into the famous Kim Kardashian and her daughter not too long ago. It seems like Joan was less than impressed with little North West. Although we know this is a joke (a cruel one) and we don't even know if it's true that she even ran into Kim, it's so mean. Joan never apologizes for her over the top disses but will Kimye take this lightly?

Kim nor Kanye have responded to the cruel poke at their daughter and maybe they will just let it go. They are far too busy dealing with Kanye's brand new assault case and planning their wedding in Paris. But what are people saying? That, for once, Joan really crossed the line. Baby North can't even defend herself and Kim has already been accused of waxing her eyebrows.

I mean, it's not secret that Kim is very hairy. Her entire family is. Thanks to laser hair removal there is no evidence left of this but obviously her daughter inherited the hair. In our opinion, Nori is adorable and the only part of Kim that most people actually like. Don't be mean Joan, pick on someone your own age... wait... Just don't pick on babies!