As many have thought, he seemed quite off during his appearance on Wednesday night's American Idol premiere. The rejected contestant Sam Atherton's dark past was revealed, which is even more frightening than expected.

During the reality singing competition, the Massachusetts resident told the judges that he had been playing the guitar for 10 years and had "written countless songs," however he did not disclose this one particular piece of information: he was arrested for public masturbation.

Atherton was convicted on two counts "open and gross lewdness" and sentenced to two years of probation in 2010 after allegedly masturbating in a frozen lemonade truck, which was parked in front of a group of children.

The failed singer had just finished serving frozen lemonade to a group of churchgoers and their kids when he got arrested. An eyewitness at the moment reported to the police that he saw the failed contestant "bobbing his head up and down with an intense look on his face," while vigorously moving his arm and shoulder. The witness also claimed that when he approached Atherton to confront him, his pants were dropped around his ankles.

And what did Sam Atherton say to all this? He came up with a lame excuse saying that he was "just scratching his foot because of a severe fungus."

Atherton's audition obviously did not go well with the judges, and it certainly did not help when he said that he was a better musician than "J. Lo, Keith Urban and Harry Connick Jr. combined."