"Marriage Bootcamp" star Tami Roman recently made an appearance on "Love and Hip Hop ATL After Party Live" and announced that she is currently six weeks pregnant and expecting her first child with boyfriend Reggie Youngblood, BET reports.

"I feel this is the perfect place to let everybody know that I am granting wishes," she said on the show, via TheYBF. "I am six weeks pregnant."

Though this is her first child with Youngblood who is seventeen years her junior, this is her third child altogether.

Reality Tea reports that Roman has two daughters Jazz and Lyric from her previous marriage to NBA star Kenny Anderson.

Following her announcement, Roman had an interview with Necole Bitchie where she addressed the critics that have slammed her for getting pregnant at 45-years-old. She also admitted the fears she has with getting pregnant at an older age and why she decided to announce her baby news so early in her pregnancy.

"I am in a committed relationship with a younger man who has never had children," she said about getting pregnant. "In an effort to compromise for the benefit of our relationship, and because I am in love with this person, I decided to have a child with him and I am happy I made the decision to do so."

She added, "'Marriage Bootcamp' helped us a great deal in all aspects, especially communication. It showed us that we do love each other and are in it for the long haul."

When asked why she decided to announce the news at just six weeks, she responded, " I don't know [why I announced it so soon]...wanting to share my excitement with the people who have shown me love. I hope I didn't jinx myself. I hope and pray that will not be the case."

And though she admits that she is somewhat afraid about pregnant at 45-years-old, she revealed that she has always been fertile and is excited about creating what she describes as another miracle.

Roman also revealed that Halle Berry and other celebrities were her inspirations for getting pregnant at an older age.

"I think all babies are miracles!" she exclaimed. "As it pertains to Halle, I looked at her as inspiration and said she did it, Alyssa Milano did it, Gwen Stefani did it, Julianna Margolis did it... Why not me?"