Though giving up eating sounds crazy and inhumane, an alternative has been created to make this possible and safe. Rob Rhinehart, the CEO of Soylent, has been working on the alternative shake that includes all of the nutrients you need to survive. He feels Soylent can save us money, time, and even keep us from putting on extra pounds.

Starting February of this year, you will be able to give up food forever. No more grocery shopping, cooking or ordering delivery. Rob Rhinehart, the creator of a "bland shake filled with every micro- and macro-nutrient one needs to survive," has completed his mission. Rhinehart, who has been working on perfecting Soylent (the shake's name) since blogging about it a year ago, says that it is ready. More than $2 million worth of the powder has already been sold and is ready to ship.

Rhinehart's selling point isn't the taste of the shake. Although he does describe it as a "sweet, succulent, hearty meal in a glass," others say is like "the homemade nontoxic Play-Doh you made, and sometimes ate, as a kid. Slightly sweet and earthy with a strong yeasty aftertaste." But like we mentioned before, this isn't the advantage of the product. The real highlight of Soylent is being able to not worry about buying food, spending time cooking and, most importantly, the money you will save. Rhinehart says that he saves over $300 a month now that he has switched to a Soylent-only diet.

Over the last year, the formula has been changed to make sure that is healthy and strong enough to keep us alive when used solely. More sulfur has been added to meet the daily requirements of our usual everyday meals. You can even cut back on the amount of fat added when preparing the shake to promote weight loss. Although doctors and nutritionists aren't exactly recommending people to make a total switch, they aren't dismissing it either.

After you have done your research, will you be switching to the food of the future? Do you find consumption a time consuming and money spending hassle?

Click here for the ingredients and details, or watch the promo video below.