Immigration Activists Protest Ann Coulter at ‘Adios America’ Book Signing: Coulter Responds Saying At Least 'They Weren’t Molesting Any 4-Year-Olds' [WATCH]
Ann Coulter's book signing event on Wednesday afternoon at the Metro Pointe Barnes & Noble in Costa Mesa, California turned into something of a fiasco. Her "Adios America: The Left's Plan to Turn our Country into a Third World Hellhole" book signing was inundated with immigration activists who loudly protested her stance on immigration.
Breitbart reports that as fans waited their turn to have a book signed, people stood up from the tables in the adjacent Starbucks and began shouting, "Undocumented, unafraid! Ain't no power like the power of the people 'cause the power of the people don't stop!"
Protesters inside the bookstore brandished a large banner reading "Adios, Ann Coulter" and held up Mexican and anarchist flags. Some protestors attempted to approach Coulter, but were swiftly escorted out by security guards.
"Two, four, six, eight, we don't need your racist hate!" protesters reportedly chanted, while others ironically shouted for her to "Go back to Europe!"
Coulter was seemingly unfazed by the demonstration. She signed books, chatted with fans and posed for photographs.
OC Weekly reporter Gabriel San Roman stood in line for a copy of Coulter's book, though his goal was to confront the author about immigration. When he reached the front of the line, he exchanged a couple of words with the 53-year-old before being escorted out of the building by security.
"I walked out of the bookstore with '¡Adios, America!' still in hand," reported Roman. "Roughly 30 protesters started chanting me down saying 'Shame on you! Shame on you!' I gave them the book to use in the protest instead. 'Do whatever you want with it!' I told them. They proceeded to rip pages from it, littering the floor in front of the bookstore with Coulter confetti," Roman added.
If it can be believed, Coulter's remarks about the book signing protestors were reportedly more severe and offensive than than Donald Trump's Mexican immigrant comments made during his presidential campaign announcement.
"You have to understand," Coulter told Breitbart, "screaming and defacing things is how Latin Americans express disagreement. At least as long as they were destroying books and screaming in a book store, they weren't molesting any 4-year-olds."
In addition to her book, Coulter has used radio and television to broadcast her right-wing beliefs concerning U.S. immigration. Most recently, she told PJ Media that the U.S. should close its borders to immigrants for 10 years and that "left-wingers who hate America" are corrupting the U.S. immigration system.
During an interview on "The Eric Metaxas Show" last month, Coulter said that Mexican immigrants will negatively transform the nation's society and lead to sexual violence against women.
"If something drastic isn't done right away, it is going to be George McGovern's America, it is going to be La Raza's America, it is going to be Uganda, basically," she said.
Coulter went on: "And get used to having segregated buses and subways, as they have in India and Mexico, because of the way women are treated and sexually abused there; get used to your little girls being raped and being pregnant; get used to not being able to go to your national parks because they are being burnt down, pot farms are being grown there, pesticides dumped all over."
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