In anticipation of the 3D computer-animated comedy film "Minions" being released to theaters this month, McDonald's added talking toy versions of the yellow pill-shaped creatures to its kids Happy Meal in hopes of cashing in on the popularity. Instead, the fast food chain is receiving complaints from parents that the little toys swear.

The toy says three phrases which are difficult to decipher. One parent, Paul Butts, heard, "What the f*ck," and posted a YouTube video on Wednesday of the foul-mouthed toy.

"Originally we didn't think anything of it until my wife was moving it out of the car seat and heard something didn't quite sound right," Butts says in the video.

"Seriously? Out of a McDonald's toy?" he asks after touching the toy who recites the phrase.

Many people commented on Butts' YouTube video saying they couldn't hear the phrase.

Butts isn't the only parent complaining about the toy.

Several parents told NBC affiliate WSFA that they heard a "cuss word" when the toy spoke.

Other parents claimed they did not hear a curse word until they were told to listen for it.

McDonald's released a statement claiming that the sound of swearing is a coincidence.

"We're aware of a very small number of customers who have been in touch regarding this toy, and we regret any confusion or offense to those who may have misinterpreted its sounds. The allegation that this toy is saying anything offensive or profane is not true," McDonald's spokesperson Lisa McComb told NBC.

McComb explained what children and parents are hearing. "The Minion Caveman Happy Meal toy includes three sounds: 'para la bukay,' 'hahaha,' and 'eh eh.' Our goal at McDonald's is to serve up food and fun for our valued customers, and we're glad to have the Minions on board."

The 3D computer-animated comedy film "Minions" is being released to theaters on Friday, July 10. The movie stars the voices of Sandra Bullock and Jon Hamm. It tells the story of the small creatures since the beginning of time and the many despicable masters they've served.