When iOS 9 debuts this fall, users will be able to easily distinguish whether they will be typing upper or lower case letters.

The new keyboard will display uppercase letters when the text is set to upper case and vice versa, Business Insider reports.

The change is subtle to the keyboard, but it was a change that was highly requested by iOS users.

The new keyboard will display lower case letters on the keyboard at first. When the shift button (the arrow key on the left side of the keyboard) is pressed, the letters on the keyboard are all capitalized.

The keyboard used to display all upper case letters. The only way to see what setting the keyboard was in was by the change of color, from black to grey, of the shift key. Black meant upper case and grey meant lower case. This change was not very noticeable for most users, perhaps many of whom used to delete text that was in the wrong case.

The new keyboard was first spotted on the beta version of iOS 9. The beta version is currently available to the general public, but it may have some bugs and glitches.

The touchscreen keyboard works differently than a physical keyboard. On a physical keyboard, users hold down the shift key and then type the letter they want to appear in upper case. On a touchscreen keyboard the user taps the shift key and then taps the letter they want to appear in upper case. This can be difficult for users to remember to press the shift key or they may even forget that it was engaged and all text appears in caps, according to TechCrunch.

The final version of iOS 9 is expected this fall, likely in September.