The first half of the "Bachelor in Paradise" Season 2 premiere aired on Sunday, and the reality dating show launched with a surprise wedding between Marcus Grodd and Lacy Faddoul who met on the first season last year and got engaged during the season finale.

After the sweet nuptials, the show continued with its drama, drinking and dating.

Jillian Anderson from the last season's "The Bachelor" with Chris Soules made her debut with augmented breasts and the best quote of the premiere, "I'm ready for my man buffet on the beach. I'm so excited to meet the guys and show off the girls. I'm going to be a bigger, better Jillian."

Ashley Iaconetti brought her younger sister, Lauren Iaconetti, on the show, and according to show host Chris Harrison, the sisters are a "package deal." If one of the men gives his rose to one sister at this week's rose ceremony, both sisters remain on the show.

It's important to note that this week the men outnumber the women by one, guaranteeing that one woman will be sent home during this week's rose ceremony. Next week, a new man will arrive to alter the man-woman ratio and the women will hand out roses, sending one man home.

Ashley and Lauren both had meltdowns the first night, which may help boost the confidence of the show's other women who thought the attractive duo may pose a serious threat.

Ashley realized that she has a crush on Jared Haibon, who was one of Kaitlyn Bristowe's booted suitors from last season's "The Bachelorette," but was unable to overcome her anxiety and start a conversation with him before he invited Jade Roper to walk on the beach.

"I didn't even think about another girl stealing the guy I like away," she said to the camera, tearfully. "I would not pick Jade over me."

Ashley later received the first date card of the season. She chose Haibon. He accepted, and the two enjoyed off-roading through the jungle and adult beverages on the beach watching the sunset. No kiss.

Haibon has expressed interest in former Playboy playmate Roper who got sent home on Week 8 of Soules' season of "The Bachelor," but when Roper received a date card she choose another of Bristowe's castaways, Tanner Tolbert, though she had considered asking Haibon.

Tolbert is handsome, genuine and has a good sense of humor. He and Roper enjoyed dinner, a swim in the river by moonlight and they kissed.

Tolbert admitted he's smitten with Roper.

"I'm already feeling more of a connection with Jade in one night than I did with Kaitlyn the entire season," he said.

Carly Waddell and Kirk Dewindt had instant chemistry the first night and were inseparable the entire episode.

"I didn't expect to have an actual emotional, physical connection right away," Dewindt said before kissing Waddell.

Ashley Salter ended up in the hospital after falling ill though we do not know the details.

Watch Season 2 of "Bachelor in Paradise" that airs Monday, Aug. 3 at 8 p.m. on ABC.