Windows 10 Features: New Microsoft OS to Clamp Down on Pirated PC Games
The latest news on Microsoft Windows 10 has raised concerns about the limitations of the new operating system. According to GameSpot, the Windows 10 license agreement has essentially included in its terms and conditions the capacity to detect and disable pirated games.This inclusion has significantly enabled Microsoft's Xbox Live to get the full protection against pirated and counterfeited games.
The said agreement was revealed on the latest Windows 10 update. The process of Windows 10 automatically checking the game versions downloaded as well as configurations can be inevitably disabled by the software. This means that Microsoft may have to perform a regular scan on your devices in order to make sure you are not using any counterfeited software.
According to The Verge, the new feature is just one of the many complex features of Windows 10, and while this may be a good time to rethink on possible counterfeited products on your computer, it is also important to know that the Windows 10 service agreement does not extend to third party hardware on your computers, but rather a mere move to make sure, Xbox Live and other Microsoft-based software will not be overshadowed by counterfeited games.
In the clause, it stated, "We may automatically check your version of the software and download software updates and configuration changes, including those that prevent you from accessing the Services, playing counterfeit games, or using unauthorized hardware peripheral devices".
The question about "unauthorized hardware peripheral devices" raised questions as to what extent the hardware device is mentioned. Gamers have constantly discovered hacks on their controllers in able to get to a certain advantage.
According to Alphr, whether you agree to the condition or not, but you already have the Windows 10 installed in your computer, it's rather obvious to say that you have agreed to the conditions without knowing it. In a rather unclear manner, the concept of Microsoft detecting any other counterfeited software in your computer may also include Adobe and as well as Microsoft Office.
Other gaming developers have fought hard on counterfeited games, and while most gamers found their way out of those lock-ins, Windows 10 will be more vigilant when it comes to suspicious software and hardware.
While other gamers still find their Windows 7 their comfort zone in gaming. Sooner or later, they will have to register with the latest Windows 10 services. Expect a rather tumultuous conditions that's why it pays to carefully read the agreement.
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