Convicted Norwegian bomber and shooter Anders Behring Breivik is unsatisfied with his prison accommodations. Despite killing 77 people, the majority of which were children away at summer camp, and only receiving a 21-year sentence, Breivik still thinks he deserves even more leeway.

Breivik considers himself to be, of all things, a human rights activist and, as such, demands the utmost respect.

"You seem to think that we -- all human rights activists who fight for one fundamental human right [cultural self-determination] -- ... are Nazi monsters who should be pushed into suicide," he jotted down.

But that's not all. Breivik has also requested more amenities! Among his requests are adult video games, an upgraded video game console, and better exercising conditions. Online news show The Young Turks showed his detailed list of demands on a recent episode.

Here's Breivik's outrageous demands in their entirety:

- Better conditions for daily walks

- Upgrade from PS2 to PS3

- Access to his choice of adult games

- Wider selection of activities

- Double the weekly allowance

Breivik particularly hates the Rayman Revolution video game. It's made for three-year-olds, duh.

Now, what's shocking is that ultra-liberal Norway may be guilted into giving the convicted mass-murderer everything he's asked for. Why? Well, Breivik has threatened to go on a hunger strike.

"The hunger strike won't end until the Minister of Justice (Anders) Anundsen and the head of the KDI (the Norwegian Correctional Services) stop treating me worse than an animal."

But he wasn't done spouting off.

"You've put me in hell ... and I won't manage to survive that long. You are killing me," he wrote. The letter also threatened that other right-wing extremists would rise up in response to his treatment in prison.

"If I die, all of Europe's right-wing extremists will know exactly who it was that tortured me to death. ... That could have consequences for certain individuals in the short term, but also when Norway is once again ruled by a fascist regime in 13 to 40 years from now," Breivik wrote.

This guy is extremely weird.

Do you think Norway did the right thing is sentencing Breivik to 21 years in prison? Sound off in the comments section below.