Potato snacks are a junk food staple. Social media is an internet staple. Birds Eye frozen foods had the genius idea to merge the snack with the social. The result: Birds Eye MashTags.

How could one possibly merge the internet with food? Well, mashtags potato snacks are shaped like popular Twitter characters such as emoticons, hashtags and at (@) symbols.

Has the idea of social media finally gone to far now? Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Vine and Instagram, among dozens of other sites, have invaded our bedrooms, workplaces, vacations and more. Do you really want to eat social media to?

If you're a big social media user and you eat a bag of mash tags that would be ironic. It would quite literally mean that you are what you eat. Now if only eating spinach made me look like Popeye...

Pete Johnson, Senior Brand Manager at Birds Eye, had a lot to say about their new frozen product.

"The addition of Mashtags to our food range is an exciting development for Birds Eye. Social media is all about conversation and we're confident Mashtags will resonate across various groups of people," said Pete Johnson, senior brand manager at Birds Eye.

Johnson went on to say that Birds Eye never rests on its laurels.

"We're constantly looking for ways to innovate and inspire consumers and hope that Mashtags will get people talking around the table and help to make mealtimes more enjoyable."

As for a release date, Mashtags will be coming out in March, but only in the United Kingdom initially. According to Digital Spy they will cost £1.75 per bag. So all you U.K. readers will be able to pick up a bag or two at Asda, Sainsbury's, and Tesco.

Is hashtagged shape food going to catch on? Let me know what you think in the comments section below.