'Transformers: Devastation' Trailer & Characters' Special Abilities Revealed [Watch]
During the E3 2015, "Transformers: Devastation" was introduced by Platinum Games by showing an all new concept for the trailer.
According to Attack of the Fan Boy, the developer made sure that the trailer showed the latest about the game such as characters and their unique abilities. Some of the key features that were highlighted on the video were the ability of a character to transform quickly while in the middle of a scrimmage or combat. Platinum Games is known to produce video games with high power action scenes and artistic combat style, something that fans will relate to while playing "Transformers: Devastation."
A post from comingsoon.net reveals the game features five playable "Autobots" including Optimus Prime, Wheeljack, Bumblebee, Side Swipe and Grimlock.
Play Station Blog adds that every single detail of the Autobots' personal characteristics are matched with corresponding combat styles. Optimus Prime, assumed as the leader of the group, tends to fix everything through some sort of diplomatic stance despite having a powerful combat skill. Bumblebee, on the other hand, lacks the kind of power needed for combat, but what he lacks in combat is replaced with rapid insane moves. "Transformers: Devastation," with all its revamped system, requires several hours of playtime, given that it also has five levels of gameplay difficulty.
"Transformers: Devastation" will be released on Oct. 6. Fans who will pre-order the game online will also receive the bonus that Activision recently unveiled. According to the PlayStation Blog, the bonus giveaway is a DLC pack filled with digital extras that fans will surely love. The DLC pack will include new skins for some of the five characters as well as three unique weapons made available only on the DLC pack. The weapons include the Dark Star Saber, a sword type weapon that releases some sort of dark energy every time it is being used. The Twin Golden Hunter, on the other hand, is a set of pistols that could attack and take credits away from an enemy. The last one, The Photon Disruptor, takes the design of a shotgun. Even though this weapon is patterned for short-range combats, it is packed with power and gives an overwhelming scope of area damage.
According to Tech Times, "Transformers: Devastation" will be out on Oct. 6. It will be available on various gaming consoles such as PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Xbox One and Xbox 360.
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