The highly anticipated series coming to Netflix this month, "Narcos," will be debuting all episodes for the platform's original series on Friday. The series, which chronicles the drug wars in the late '70s and '80s, will feature real life people on the show that were engaged in the conflict.

According to The New York Times, fans of other originals like "House of Cards" and "Orange Is the New Black," will want to glue themselves to their couch for several hours this weekend and binge watch this electrifying new show.

The Medellin cartel is probably one of the most infamous and notorious drug runners of all time given their extreme methods for fighting the drug wars in America while mostly staying on their own turf in Colombia.

Pablo Escobar headlined the series of events, which took place in both countries and saw the people caught in the crossfire gunned down ruthlessly. The extreme cocaine trade during the time had the potential to be the most lucrative business on the black market, and the cartel and drug lord himself were the most feared men on the planet.

Just picture an image of Nancy Reagan giving her legendary speech about "Just say no" to the American people. The scene itself was just a much a part of history as the drug war. Then imagine a scene cut that showed Escobar gunning down a man in a Colombian field pleading for his life, saying, "No no no no, Pablo no."

The story itself, the scene and the series are true to life. It shows the drug war through an intimate lens that does not spare the viewer any details. It syncs up the timeline for events happening on both fronts and how both factions handled them.

Check out the thrilling trailer below to see for yourself just how much of your time is worth watching this exciting new show.