Derek Jeter held a press conference today to address his retirement after making a Facebook post indicating that 2014 would be his final season in Major League Baseball. Watch the conference live at the Yankees' website.

The longtime Yankees star said in his Facebook letter that it was only recently that he officially made up his mind about hanging up his cleats.

"So really it was months ago when I realized that this season would likely be my last," he said in the letter. "As I came to this conclusion and shared it with my friends and family, they all told me to hold off saying anything until I was absolutely 100% sure."

Fast forward to Spring Training and it appears that Jeter is officially not turning back. Jeter, who is known to be a quiet person to the media, opened up more than ever in his letter -- a clear indication that this moment in his career is as emotional for him as it is for the fans in New York.

"So many people have traveled along this journey with me and helped me along the way: I want to especially thank The Boss, the Steinbrenner family, the entire Yankees organization, my managers, my coaches, my teammates, my friends, and of course, above all, my family.

As he heads in the upcoming season, he said he wants to take time to make sure it is not just a blur but rather a perfect capstone to a lengthy career.

"I want to soak in every moment of every day this year, so I can remember it for the rest of my life," Jeter said. "And most importantly, I want to help the Yankees reach our goal of winning another championship."

What do you think about Jeter announcing his retirement? Where does he rank among the best players ever? Let us know what you think in the comments section below.