Not everything that happened at the Oscars was newsworthy in a good way... some moments were funny, some moments were genuine mistakes, and some were just plain embarrassing. Here, then, is our list of worst Oscar moments from this year!

1. Adella WHO?: John Travolta was asked to introduce Idina Menzel to sing "Let It Go" from the hit film, Frozen. Unfortunately, he introduced someone who wasn't Idina Menzel. Some blamed the teleprompter, some blamed the Jesus Juice... but we all laughed.

2. Liza Minelli looking like a Liza Minelli impersonator: When Ellen DeGeneres calls you "sir," you know you messed up your look. Hire a stylist next time, Liza... you're a legend. And please, no more Manic Panic blue streaks in your hair.

3. Leo DiCaprio Is Obsessed with a Novel that Doesn't Exist: In a desperate bid for an Academy Award, Leonardo DiCaprio (who, it should be noted, is a great actor) took to the stage to talk about how obsessed he was with a "novel" known as "The Wolf of Wall Street." The problem? Jordan Belford's book, on which the movie was based, is a memoir, not a work of fiction. See, Leo... this is why we can't have nice things.

4. Jamie Foxx Sings About... Something: While onstage presenting an award with Jessica Biel, Jamie Foxx burst into a song... about something... for some reason.

5. Karma's Chickens Come Home to Roost: In the 1990s, David O. Russell slighted now-Oscar winner John Ridley on a credit for the hit film, Three Kings (which co-starred fellow Oscar winner Spike Jonze). Ridley, at the time, had to sue the production company to even get a partial credit for his work on Three Kings, and Russell earned the reputation for being a douche-canoe. Last night, both Ridley and Russell were up for Oscars (Ridley, of course, for 12 Years a Slave; Russell for American Hustle). While 12 Years a Slave took home a few notable Oscars, American Hustle took home exactly... ZERO. Ouch.

6. In Memoriam's Missing: While many notable actors were included in this year's In Memoriam tribute, there were a few glaring omissions, including everyman Dennis Farina, Jonathan Winters, Ed Lautner, and Tom Clancy.

7. Kim Novak: We get it... she's a legend. But she looks pulled tighter than a snare drum. Ease up on the Botox, please.