The comedic pairing of Evan Goldberg and Seth Rogan has begun a new film project together. The last time the duo worked together was for the 2013 comedy film This is The End. Their new project is going to be showing the world the rivalry of Sega versus Nintendo that occurred back in the 1990s. This was a rivalry that helped to shape the gaming world as we know it today and it helped to define an entire generation. At the time, the question everyone wanted to know about you was who you loved more between Mario and Sonic.

Seth Rogan and Evan Goldberg are no strangers to partnering together for movies; in addition to This is the End, the two were also the comedic geniuses behind Pineapple Express and Superbad. Their upcoming film, which is titled Console Wars, is going to be a variation on Console Wars: Sega and Nintendo and the Battle that Defined a Generation, a non-fiction book written by Black J. Harris. This book delves into how an unknown company named Sega seemed to appear from nowhere to take over a market that was long dominated by Nintendo.

Rogan and Goldberg have confirmed that they will not only be writing the script for the upcoming film but the comedy duo will also serve as the directors. The author Black J. Harris has been signed on to serve as the producer of the movie. This is perfect for Harris, who spent endless hours gathering information and doing more than a hundred interviews to research his book.

While there have been very little details provided about the movie, there have been many rumors based on this pair's past working history. It may be safe to assume that Rogan will be making an appearance in the film and it will be sure to include the type of humor that their fans have come to expect. The picture will be produced by Sony and there are few details so far and no official release date.