During a Sunday night scene from the family's new "Teresa Checks In" three-part series reality show, Joe Giudice admitted his wife, "Real Housewives of New Jersey" star Teresa, still runs their household from prison.

Still, he added he believes Teresa is proud of the job he's done parenting their four young daughters while she's been away.

"I think my wife is definitely proud of me," Radar Online reports Joe reflected in the episode. "Otherwise she would have already sent me divorce papers."

Throughout the show, eldest daughter Gia attested to the job her dad has done. However, she admitted it's nothing like what she and her three sisters have come to expect from their doting mom, who is currently serving a 15-month sentence on tax fraud-related charges at the Danbury Correctional Facility.

"He's definitely stepped up," Gia insisted. "It's not something you would expect, but he gets breakfast together and makes sure everything is up and running."

Still, no one has taken Teresa's nearly yearlong absence harder than Joe.

"When I visit her, I cry like a freaking baby," he said. "My kids don't even cry."

At one point during Sunday night's episode, he and Teresa, who stars on the show via jailhouse phone conversations, sneaked away for a bit of phone sex. Teresa shared with her husband that she has somehow been able to watch Channing Tatum's stripper movie "Magic Mike" and has imagined Joe's face on the bodies of the star actors.

"When I come out, I'm going to be all over you," she said.

At one point, Joe claimed he hasn't even been able to venture into his own bedroom while his wife has been away.

"I don't have any desire to sleep in my bed without my wife there," said Joe, who is slated to commence serving his 41-month sentence on similar charges soon after Teresa is released.

But in these touching moments, none of that seems to matter, as Teresa gleefully reflected, "We're going to be married forever."

Once she is released, Teresa has already signed on to rejoin the cast of "Real Housewives" and is rumored to have netted a salary as high as $2 million per season.