Jennifer Lawrence Net Worth: 'Hunger Games' Star Complains About Pay for Women in Hollywood
Hollywood is no different than real life. While women activists fight incessantly for privileges and even rights, that men only enjoy, there's a movement in Hollywood that lobbies equal treatment among actors and actresses whether it's regarding the pay or receiving roles. "Hunger Games" star Jennifer Lawrence has been thrusted in the forefront of this gender equality movement.
Lawrence, whose net worth is estimated at $60 million and is currently the highest-paid actress in Hollywood, has expressed her dismay over her paltry earning in the movie "American Hustle" after a Sony email leaked in December 2014, showing that "lucky people with d--ks" have earned more than her and other actresses in the movie.
According to Vogue, the Academy award-winning actress ranted her anger through a feminist newsletter run by fellow actress and out-loud feminist Lena Dunham, the Lenny. In her essay, the 25-year-old actress said that the leaked e-mail has made her realize that her identity as a woman has affected her worth. Through the Sony hack, the actress learned that her male co-stars, Jeremy Renner, Christian Bale and Bradley Cooper, have earned nine percent while she and her female co-star Amy Adams, earned only seven percent.
The essay said that Lawrence was not angry at Sony for giving her low wage, instead, she blames herself for being a failed negotiator, for giving up so early on fighting for millions of dollars from the two franchises that she "did not even need."
Lawrence also said that she did not wanted people to think that she is "spoiled" or "difficult" that's why she just chose to settle down with what's offered on the table. However, she noticed that men she starred with the movie did not even worried of being labeled as "spoiled" or "difficult" because, precisely, they were men. "For some reason, I just can't picture someone saying that about a man," the actress said.
The Golden Globe award-winning actress noticed the disparity between men and women who ask for a higher pay. If it's a woman, she is being "spoiled" or "difficult". But if it's a man who asks for it, he's either strong-willed or clever enough not to settle down, without worrying about labels that were often given to women.
"Jeremy Renner, Christian Bale and Bradley Cooper all fought and succeeded in negotiating powerful deals for themselves. If anything, I'm sure they were commended for being fierce and tactical, while I was busy worrying about coming across as a brat and not getting my fair share," Lawrence said.
Lawrence then ended her essay with a promise to herself that she is "over trying to find the "adorable" way to state my opinion and still be likable."
Was she able to fight back against the stigma after she realized that there is no need to settle down?
Yes, she did. According to a Daily Mail report, Jennifer asked Sony a £20 million pay for her role in the upcoming movie, Passengers and she got her demand. This levels her to men like Leonardo di Caprio, Robert Downey Jr. and Matt Damon who can ask a humongous pay for a role.
The actress won against the statusquo and her triumph has served as a huge leap for women in Hollywood who fight for the same principle as hers.
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